Marie José



Marie José Irankunda was born and raised in Rwanda. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Surveying and Geomatics Engineering from the University of Rwanda (Class of 2017). She is a woman who strives to impact change. During her time at university, she was a girl’s representative in promoting and advocating for other girls. She was a volunteer in Never Again Rwanda and attended the meetings and training of IMBUTO Foundation where she learned 7 habits of highly effective people. She also learned about infection disease management (IDM) and is taking part in training around international human rights and advocacy strategies. Before becoming a volunteer in CorpsAfrica, she worked with Rwanda Agriculture Board in the Department of Land Irrigation Management as a Topographer; she has skills in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Auto-Cad software. Marie also worked on an irrigation project where she contributed to small-scale irrigation by teaching people how irrigation systems operate. She also took an opportunity to work on a project of smart dairy around the country primarily conducting surveys of farmers. She believes that serving as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer is a great opportunity to empower and make a positive change in a community by promoting grassroots solutions. She identifies with a quote from psychologist John Maslow, “It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”