


Emmanuel Iradukunda was born in Ngororero District. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics from University of Rwanda in college of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine class of 2021. Prior to joining CorpsAfrica, He served as youth Volunteer in Rwanda in community policing and he also volunteered as data Enumerator during Ubudehe data collection. EMMANUEL acted as ZAMUKA youth group leader in his community. In 2021 he worked as Micro Entrepreneur / Gatsibo District in One Acre Fund/TUBURA . He did an academic internship at Gatumba Sector where he helped the community to increase production of different crops, preparing balanced diet to combat with malnutrition, mobilizing farmers about the land suitability and capability for the crops. Using his Entrepreneurship skills, Emmanel started an e-shopu Rwanda online company to support Rwandans from different locations of the country to buy products online and get home delivery as a measure to reduce covid-19 spread. In addition, EMMANUEL has skills on data analysis software like SPSS and STAT. And he attended the GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT. His favorite quote is “The future of every community lies in capturing the passion, imagination and resources of its people.”