


Rosine Igirimpuhwe holds Bachelor of Art (Hons) in International Business and Trade from African Leadership University trained as a Peacebuilder from Never Again Rwanda, a gender activist, and a peer counselor from African Leadership university. Before joining CorpsAfrica as a Volunteer, Rosine was Administrative Assistant at Proxifresh company. She got experience in business development and investor relationships, which is crucial for a more developed and inclusive world as women empowerment and sustainable development goals. Rosine also Volunteered to become a facilitator with the Akazi Kanoze program. In addition, Rosine worked as a business conservation development manager at Biocoor Rwanda and assistant underwriter at Britam insurance. She is interested in career development though driven by social activities where she is the founder of Hope for the Future initiative which aims to Empower the teen mothers for STEM and ICT.