Frazer Kum’bweza



Frazer Kum’bweza Banda graduated from the University of Malawi (UNIMA) with a Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) Degree majoring in Philosophy and minoring in Psychology. Frazer also holds certificates in Project Monitoring and Evaluation and Data collection, data entry, and data analysis obtained from STATSONS Research Consultancy. Before joining CorpsAfrica, Frazer was heading a preschool (Chisomo Nursery School) where he was helping prepare the children for primary education by ensuring smooth physical, mental, and emotional development and acquisition of positive habits. This helps in creating a common environment of education and development for children of different backgrounds. Frazer is also passionate about community development and he is more interested in the redefined approach to development as CorpsAfrica puts it. He believes that every human being has the capabilities to identify solutions for their problems and by helping them realize these capabilities, you instill in them the knowledge that will enable them to handle other problems on their own. “You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime”. This approach empowers people, and when people are empowered, there is a sense of ownership and the result is the sustainability of the development.