


Nimatu Abdul-Rahaman is a graduate of the University for Development Studies-Tamale and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Community Nutrition. Before joining CorpsAfrica, Nimatu did her National Service with the Tamale SDA Hospital, where she worked as the Nutrition Officer and provided nutritional counseling to clients and patient relatives, as well as growth monitoring and promotion services to children under 5 years. As a Mastercard Foundation Scholar and Camfed Alumnae, Nimatu served as the District Chairperson for the Camfed Association (CAMA) Sagnarigu Municipality Chapter for three years, after which she also served as the District Secretary for another 3 years. Whilst in school, Nimatu was the Chairperson of the MCF Scholars Electoral Commission and Baobab Advocate for the UDS – Tamale Chapter. Nimatu has also played several volunteer roles in Camfed and the Camfed Association including serving as a CAMA Monitoring and Evaluation Resource Personnel, a club patron to the Kalpohin SHS Camfed Girls Club, and a member of the CAMA District Electoral Commission. Nimatu believes that her service with CorpsAfrica provides her the opportunity to pursue her passion for improving Maternal and Child Nutrition, as well as promoting women empowerment and social inclusion.