• Media Spotlight

The New Times: The Youth on Fighting COVID-19, Empowering Vulnerable Families

By Michel Nkurunziza

“A group of young volunteers is seeking to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and malnutrition in districts where people living below the poverty line, faced with a high malnutrition rate, reside.

Following guidance from the Ministry of Local Government, the volunteers were deployed in Ngororero, Rutsiro, Kayonza and Bugesera districts and some cells of Nyarugenge District.

One of the former volunteers, Innocent Mutabazi, and now a liaison officer for the volunteers, said: “Currently we are 19 volunteers in the second cohort living with vulnerable communities, and guiding them on how to find solutions to different problems in their communities, including preventing the spread of coronavirus and malnutrition. We also facilitate them to set up small projects and small income generating businesses responding to problems they have,” he says…”


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