• Media Spotlight

Science Africa: Rwanda: Kitchen Gardens Tackling Malnutrition, One Community at a Time

Written by Nyirangaruye Clementine

In Rwanda, kitchen gardening is helping women to fight malnutrition-related diseases such as Kwashiorkor, intestinal worms, and others in children. Malnutrition is a big problem in Rwanda because of mortality cases where about 21% of children die from malnutrition diseases.

The Rwanda Demographic Health Survey (RDHS) of 2014-2015 shows that 38% of children are stunted and early childbearing is one of the causes of malnutrition in Rwanda.

To reduce these rates, communities have ventured into kitchen gardening through the help of CorpsAfrica. The organization through its volunteers’ trains community members on how to construct and maintain a kitchen garden- a small garden about ten feet in diameter filled with a variety of vegetables, enough to sustain a large family with nutritious food…”



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