• Media Spotlight

Morocco on the Move: CorpsAfrica – From a Vision to Reality – Jean R. AbiNader

Written by Jean R. AbiNader

“Liz Fanning is more than a dreamer; she is a visionary who has made her dream, CorpsAfrica, a reality, overcoming multiple obstacles and demonstrating that Africans can work across tribal and ethnic identities to build their communities. Her background is well-known. She notes that, “When I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco, amazing young Moroccans used to ask me if they could do what I was doing – they’d say, ‘I’m Moroccan, I want to help my country, can I be a Peace Corps Volunteer?’ and I had to say, ‘Sorry, it’s only for Americans.’ I started CorpsAfrica so they could have the same opportunity I did to learn, grow, and make an impact…'”


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