Frequently asked questions


The Volunteer selection process varies by country. If you have any questions, please reach out to the relevant country office and we’ll be happy to help.  

The Volunteer selection process varies by country and typically takes three months from the time applications close to the start of Pre-Service Training. The schedule below is a sample based on the most common schedule. 

  • You must be a citizen of the country to which you are applying
  • 21 years of age or older at the time of the start of your service
  • A university degree or equivalent professional experience 
  • Willing and able, physically and emotionally, to serve as a Volunteer for the entirety of the service year in rural, often times, remote communities
  • Understand that volunteerism is an altruistic act, where one offers their time, skills, and resources without expectation of financial gain
  • Expert pre-service and in-service training facilitated by development and management professionals
  • A living allowance adequate to support the Volunteer in his/her site
  • Health insurance
  • Travel funds for official CorpsAfrica business
  • An end-of-service readjustment allowance
  • Certificate of completion
  • After completing service, option to apply to serve a second year in a different country and admission to the CorpsAfrica Alumni Association
  • A life-changing experience which will serve you well throughout your personal and professional life