Volunteer Stories

Get an inside look at the experiences of CorpsAfrica Volunteers in the field.

Facilitating community-led climate action has been a key highlight in my service in Kitabazi village, Buikwe district. Recognised as a proper land use management...

Moving to a new community far from everything familiar is an adventure filled with learning cultural exchanges, and small victories. I knew this would...

Maps have always fascinated me. As a trained geologist, my world revolved around geological maps, and carefully drawn lines that told stories of rock...

This is a success story about a group of youths who united to tackle one of their biggest challenges, proving that problems can be...

Among the most fulfilling aspects of my life, working with a community stands out. Over the years, what has kept me motivated is the...

Working as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer in Teso South, Busia County, I’ve witnessed firsthand how rapid mindset transformation can revolutionize community development. While conventional wisdom...

In Endao village, Marigat Sub-County, Baringo County, I had the privilege of working alongside the Namkaa Endao Women’s Group to create eco-friendly charcoal briquettes....

When I was told I’d be deployed to the Yatoi sublocation in Baringo South as a CorpsAfrica/Kenya Volunteer, I was thrilled. This remote corner...

Imagine being entrusted with the whole location! Well, serving as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer has been a unique and transformative period in my life. Volunteerism...

Upon my arrival at Matiru Sub-Location in Meru, I learned that the locals refer to the area as “Bairwanda,” which means “desert” in their...