Volunteer Stories

Get an inside look at the experiences of CorpsAfrica Volunteers in the field.

Throughout my service, one important element has continually shaped my experience as a Volunteer in my community: the sense of togetherness of the community....

My journey is not yet over but I have much to share. Stepping into an under-resourced community, I was met with challenges that seemed...

In the heart of my community, where development faces unique challenges, lies a source of unwavering commitment and determination: “Women”. Their active involvement in...

Imagine a mother lifting lit firewood for her child to do homework, children staying in total darkness for hours at night till they develop...

If someone had told me that I would become a school teacher at some point in my life, I would have never believed them,...

In CorpsAfrica’s effort to ensure empowerment in people, both the African youths and the under-sourced communities in Africa have majorly benefitted; the youths through...

As a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, mentoring youth has become important to me. I’ve learned that knowing, loving, and protecting every child is so important. Working...

As we are actively engaging the community to come up with the desired project, this has given me an avenue to understand and embrace...

Dans le silence accablant de ma première nuit à Sass Mack, un village sérère inconnu, j’ai ressenti l’écho de l’incertitude et de la peur...

Après une semaine d’immersion dans le cadre de mon service volontaire à CorpsAfrica Sénégal, je ressens le besoin de partager mon incroyable aventure dans...