In the heart of our Ndune community, amidst the sprawling greenery and the vibrant sounds of daily life, lies a testament to the resilience...

After a successful community mapping and project identification, the community was in the project planning process. Despite some communities being individualistic, in the heart...

My journey with CorpsAfrica has been transformative, shaping both my personal and professional life in profound ways. When I joined, I hoped to make...

Volunteering to serve your community is a significant sacrifice, but one that reaps unparalleled rewards. My journey as a volunteer in Nkomo, Meru County...

As I am counting the time I have been in my service, I couldn’t be prouder of myself, not forgetting the community and the...

Let me let you in on a story that has made me smile this month. A solar light giving birth to a chicken? A...

Embarking on my journey as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer was a leap of faith into the unknown, but little did I know it would become...

Reflecting on the past month, I have more to appreciate about my journey which has taught me more about patience and humility. I have...

When women support each other, incredible things happen. And every little support given counts. In my first month as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, I was...

Have you ever experienced a moment of deep, sincere gratitude that fills your heart to the brim? That’s exactly how I feel as I...