For years, the people of Kereria struggled with severe water shortages. Their primary source, River Thanantu, dried up during the dry season, leaving over...

The Tharaka people in Kitui dwell between the Nithi highlands and across the River Tana. An intriguing community with a distinct musical and culinary...

One thing about moving into a new place or community is that everyone easily notices you and seems to know who you are since...

One ordinary evening, I received a call from an unfamiliar number. Curious, I answered. The first words I heard were, “Unajua kuunda keki?” (Do...

As the morning chill lingers, I’m out on the community farm, surrounded by the peaceful hills of Charuru and Nyambene. Today, like many mornings...

Serving in Nakuru as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer has been quite incredible. From the very start, the generosity of the people here has left a...

Recently, I had asset mapping with my community of service in the Murinda sub-location, Tharaka Nithi County. What stood out at the end of...

Yatoi sublocation in Baringo County has embarked on a path to sustainable development through a successful Community Asset Mapping exercise. Facilitated by CorpsAfrica/Kenya, the...

It is so amusing that even with the current evolution of everything, the people of Tharaka have held so tight to their traditional ways...

As a Volunteer with CorpsAfrica/Kenya, I’ve had the unique opportunity to live in the rural village of Kiriene. Coming from a more urban environment...