In the heart of Ghana’s Kumbungu District lies Dnyo-Kpalgu, a vibrant community where tradition meets opportunity. As a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, my journey here is...

Volunteering has always sparked something deep within me—an unquenchable energy, a fire that drives me to give back and make a difference. This passion...

“CorpsAfrica/Ghana successfully held the Swearing-In Ceremony for its third cohort of Volunteers, marking the official transition of 44 young African graduates into a one-year...

The day of deployment came faster than I could have imagined, like the blink of an eye. I still couldn’t confidently pronounce the name...

Muhammad Ali once said, “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” Embarking on my journey as a...

Arriving in Kpeve Tornu as a CorpsAfrica/Ghana Volunteer marked the beginning of an incredible journey of community engagement and growth. Located in Ghana’s Volta...

Save Point: Starting My Journey In the world of Goviefe-Dudome, my house is my “save point”—a place to rest, reset, and prepare for each...

True warmth indeed trivializes “discomfort.” I entered the community expecting a bit of hardship and the need for adaptability, but I was still taken...

As an advocate for Human-Centered Design, it can sometimes be challenging to determine whether the efforts made in promoting this message are having an...

During my time in the Kpale-Ga community as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, I experienced firsthand the transformative power of conversation. Engaging with the community through...