Matching Scholarship Program

The problem of access to quality higher education is a real challenge for young students in Africa. While funding and support is available to prospective students, the funding provided typically only covers a portion of the costs leaving a gap that must be overcome with personal funds and student loans. 

In 2022, CorpsAfrica started a Matching Scholarship Program to support alumni to cover gaps in funding for their education after their service. The program provides much-needed funds to ensure our alumni can focus on their education and advancement. The program funds both degree programs at regarded national and international universities. The funds provided by CorpsAfrica can be used for both tuition and expenses directly related to the pursuit of the degree in amounts up to $5,000 USD per year. The program ensures alumni can pursue ambitious goals and successfully launch their careers following their service.

The Matching Scholarship Program application is open to all alumni three times a year: August, January, and May. 


Recipients of the matching scholarship program


Distrbuted to alumni to match scholarships

Scholarship News and Updates

My Journey with Augustina: Nothing Less than Service & Impact


Meet Our Alums: Hasnae Ahoudar


Meet Our Alums: Zineb El Bahraoui


Where they study

Many CorpsAfrica alumni continue their education following their service at top universities in their home countries and abroad. Below are a few of the universities attended by Matching Scholarship recipients. 

Support Our Work

CorpsAfrica addresses two of Africa’s most difficult challenges: creating opportunities for youth and helping rural communities overcome extreme poverty and build resilience. We recruit motivated volunteers to live and work in remote, low-income areas in their own countries. They collaborate with the community to design and implement small-scale projects that address their top priorities and by doing so gain the skills and experience that lay the foundation for personal and professional success.

CorpsAfrica trusts youth and rural communities to help each other.