Entrepreneurship Incubator

The Entrepreneurship Incubator is a fully funded program of the Alumni Network providing high-level business training and seed funding to CorpsAfrica alumni. The program leverages the impact of CorpsAfrica service into important, long-lasting jobs that bring social good and substantive, bottom-line value to communities across Africa. The CorpsAfrica service experience creates an entrepreneurial ecosystem for Volunteers conducive to developing start-ups and innovative projects within the Entrepreneurship Incubator Program.

Youth employment is a priority issue for all African countries. Every year millions of young Africans enter the job market. Many countries’ conditions for entrepreneurship provide a significant opportunity to improve. Young people need training, coaching, networking, and, most of all, financial support. CorpsAfrica Volunteers and alumni are recognized for their commitment to community development, leadership, and social entrepreneurship in Morocco, Senegal, Malawi, Rwanda, Ghana, and Kenya. The program ensures alumni can pursue ambitious goals and successfully launch their careers following their service


Distributed as seed funding for alumni-led ventures


Alumni-led ventures supported

Goals of entrepreneurship Incubator

Support the entrepreneurial mindset of CorpsAfrica Alumni – encouraging them to seek out job-creating opportunities. 

Connect alumni to resources (experts, organizations, training, etc.) that can help them achieve their goals.

Provide a financial investment for business ideas inspired by CorpsAfrica service and with the potential to create high-quality jobs.

Supported Alumni-Led Ventures

The first cohort of the Entrepreneurship Incubator ran from February to May 2023 with eight ventures taking their business ideas to launch. The second cohort was selected in November 2023 and will launch with seed funding in early 2024. 


Pape Seyni Bar

Cohort 2/Senegal

Argan Essence

Mina Akhabbasse, Fatima Khouya, Amina Simour

Cohort 2/Morocco

August Green Farms

Dalitso Mndala

Cohort 2/Malawi

Bakery Serigne Babacar Sy

Kardiatou Niang

Cohort 2/Senegal

Dreams Kente Ventures

Victor Togborlo

Cohort 2/Ghana

Eza Agribusiness Rwanda

Anaclet Muhire

Cohort 1/Rwanda

Fandare Wopa

Aissata Sarr

Cohort 1/Senegal

Gobladi Adventures

Mina Laabadel

Cohort 1/Morocco

Green Innovation Network

Dennis Kayira, Tabitha Kasongo, Lucky Katundu

Cohort 2/Malawi


Youssef Elmajydy

Cohort 1/Morocco


Amy Ndao Gueye, Mairame Niamadio, Amy Mbacke Mbaye, Anna Madeleine Badiane

Cohort 2/Senegal

Ngoma Farm

Modou Sene

Cohort 1/Senegal

Soja Feed

Tusayiwe Sikwese

Cohort One/Malawi

Titrit Mode

Hasna Farid

Cohort Two/Morocco

We In Future

Ladislas Sibomana

Cohort One/Rwanda

INcubator News and Updates

Applications Are Open!: Apply for CorpsAfrica’s Alumni Entrepreneurship Incubator Program


Entrepreneurship Incubator: Meet Cohort Two


The Journey of Cohort 1: Completing the Entrepreneurship Incubator


Hear from The Participants

Support Our Work

CorpsAfrica addresses two of Africa’s most difficult challenges: creating opportunities for youth and helping rural communities overcome extreme poverty and build resilience. We recruit motivated volunteers to live and work in remote, low-income areas in their own countries. They collaborate with the community to design and implement small-scale projects that address their top priorities and by doing so gain the skills and experience that lay the foundation for personal and professional success.

CorpsAfrica trusts youth and rural communities to help each other.