Radouan Ouakhroun graduated from university with Bachelor’s degree in English studies, a certificate of participation in the “Creative Mind” project, a certificate of participation in management
training project from EQOTA consulting, certificate of preparation, and qualification
in educational, social, and administrative support services from FORMACADEMY.
Lived: Hay Lqouds, Tantan, Guelmim Oued Noun Region, Morocco.
Experiences: 3 months of training in a primary private school, Development Agent in
a “Tint Colour” Company, tutor for 4 months in school education in English,
Coordinator of a “Summer Skills” Programme for Kids.
Current Passions: Volunteer work (CorpsAfrica) / providing aid, assistance, and effort
to those who need it, highly motivated to engage in any education project that affects
the new generation.