


Malamine Badiane is an Exchange Volunteer from Senegal. He is a climate activist and passionate about environmental protection and sustainable community change. He served as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer in the fifth cohort in Senegal. With his community in Senegal, Malamine worked on two projects: the renovation of a classroom in the primary school of the village and the construction of a mini-borehole. After his service in Senegal, he applied as an Exchange Volunteer in Kenya where he is helping the local community to fight against climate change through a green project which is: training on sustainable land management, the construction of a check dam, and setting up a tree nursery. Malamine participated as a delegate at the World Bank Youth Summit in 2021 and as a social media reporter at the World Forest Congress in Korea in 2022. He studied linguistics and grammar and digital communication and believe that “Not everyone can be famous, but everyone can be great because greatness is determined by service and service only engages those who make it”