


  • Malawi_ALL
  • Malawi_G6-2022-2023
Simeon Kalua is a climate activist, who is passionate and motivated in contributing to the accomplishment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health from the University of Livingstonia. He is the Founder of Green Champions Initiative which aims at empowering young people to be champions of change in environmental conservation and protection. He is a Country Coordinator for Climate Live Malawi. He volunteered with Malawi Scotland Partnership as a Malawi climate change young leader and he is an ambassador for Malawi Creation Care Network (MCCN). Simeon is into permaculture and he holds a certificate of the Permaculture Design Course. He volunteered with the Butterfly space eco-community lodge project called Malawi Schools Permaculture Clubs (MSPC) as supervisor. He is also a Food at COP campaigner – campaign that promotes consumption of indigenous vegetables from Africa to be served at the Climate conference. Simeon is also passionate about children; in 2021 he was volunteering with One Step Foundation which provides essential needs to street-connected children. Furthermore, He did charity projects in primary schools whereby he donated writing materials to children with help from FutureCamp from Germany. In 2018 and 2019 Simeon worked as an intern at Nkhamenya Mission Hospital in Kasungu and Nkhatabay District Hospital respectively as an Environmental Health Officer. CorpsAfrica has given him a chance to be a catalyst for change in community development because he believes that anyone can change the world.