


  • Malawi_ALL
  • Malawi_G6-2022-2023
Stella Kumphika is a motivated, hardworking, innovative, and passionate professional. She recently graduated from Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics. Stella worked with the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MoEST) in the planning department. During her stay at the university, she held several leadership positions; she was voted the first female president of the Bunda Economics Association. Because of her confidence and public speaking skill, she was selected to represent the university at the UN75 youth panel discussion in 2020. In 2021 she also represented the university at the ECAMA annual economic conference after participating in the debate on youth engagement in public finance management. Through all these exposures, she is very much aware of the economic and development challenges in Malawi. she has developed a passion for being part of positive change by working with the less privileged. She looks forward to having her wish come true as Volunteering CorpsAfrica brings her a step closer.