


  • Malawi_ALL
  • Malawi_G6-2022-2023
Tatenda Kaduya holds a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics from the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR). She also has a Financial Modelling and Valuation Analysis certificate from the Corporate Finance Institute. Before joining CorpsAfrica, Tatenda worked as an intern in the Department of Agriculture Planning Services under the Ministry of Agriculture, where she assisted in policy analysis and project management. As a young person who is passionate about food security and agricultural commercialization, in college, Tatenda joined an incubation program under the Agribiz Hub, where she was equipped on how to produce, process, and market various agricultural commodities. Through this experience, Tatenda learned that most rural farmers do not reap the maximum market benefits from agriculture, and as a result, these farmers continue to live in marginalized poverty. She believes that joining CorpsAfrica will allow her to participate in building resilience and bring about sustainable development in some rural communities in Malawi.