My name is Mr. Youssou Gueye from the region of Thiès. I am a graduate of Master II in Economics and Rural Sociology with a specialty in the Development of Value Chains and Agricultural and Agri-food Entrepreneurship at the National High School of Agriculture (Ensa). I also have a computer-based management license and a Master II in Economics and Management Options Bank Finance and Insurance at the University of Thiès. As an area of expertise, I am an agroéconomiste capable of piloting and monitoring the development of any project, including agricultural and agri-food chains. I also can model an agricultural policy and diagnose the different links in a value chain to propose appropriate competitiveness strategies. I control the techniques of agronomy, processing, and conservation of fruit and vegetables and the approach to establishing quality policies (quality management, standards, and general requirements). Finally, I have a capacity for analysis and understanding of the functioning of organizations and the control of the tools for their basic management and synthesis of economic, statistical, accounting, and financial data.