


  • Malawi_ALL
  • Malawi_G5-2021-2022
Maureen Maseya is a Food and Nutrition professional whose passion and focus is assisting farmers to achieve diversified food production systems and access to diverse food consumption. After graduating from the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) with a Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences in 2018, Maureen worked with the National Smallholder Farmers Association of Malawi (NASFAM) as a Field Officer. She then worked as a Food and Nutrition Officer (FNO) Intern for Mchinji District Agriculture Office (DAO). Maureen is a smallholder poultry farmer whose desire is to grow and become a major player in the country’s poultry industry. She trusts that serving as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer will grant her an opportunity to promote youth participation in community development.