

Foreign Service Officer, ​USAID

Marc Douglas is a tenured, commissioned Foreign Service Officer for USAID, overseeing programs in top U.S. foreign policy priority countries that cover democracy and governance, agriculture, education, health, economic growth, infrastructure, and natural resources management. He brings particular expertise on the cross-cutting issues of labor, climate change, conflict, and youth. With USAID and other institutions, he has served in long-term assignments in West Africa, East Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Central and South America, Russia, and Washington, D.C. His employers have included the U.S. Department of State, the World Bank, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Emerging Markets, the U.S. Peace Corps, the U.S. Crisis Corps, and Technoserve Inc. He has degrees in international relations (Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, as SAIS’ first Shriver Peaceworker Fellow), general business management, international business management, and journalism (all from the University of Maryland).