In January, CorpsAfrica reached a significant milestone by swearing in its first-ever cohort in South Africa.
The cohort of thirty-five Volunteers, which includes two exchange Volunteers from Ghana and Malawi, was selected through an extensive interview process, and have completed an intense six-week training program focused on CorpsAfrica methodologies, including Human-Centered Design (HCD) and Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD). This training is central to the organisation’s approach, enabling Volunteers to design sustainable, community-led solutions.
The ceremony was attended by Liz Fanning, CorpsAfrica’s Founder and Executive Director, whose inspiring vision has guided the organisation’s expansion into South Africa.
Fanning expressed her excitement for the new cohort and emphasized the importance of the Volunteers’ work in strengthening communities. “This group is not just a cohort of Volunteers, but a force for change”, she said. “Their commitment to Volunteerism will catalyse others in South Africa to join the movement and drive positive impact where it’s most needed.”
This historic group of Volunteers will serve communities in Limpopo and North West, areas that will greatly benefit from their skill sets, creativity, and leadership. By engaging with local communities and working on innovative community development projects, the Volunteers will have a lasting impact and contribute to the development of these regions.
Freddy Tchala, former CEO of MTN Cameroon, delivered the keynote, emphasized the importance of volunteering and shared insights about his journey working on the continent. He emphasized how initiatives like CorpsAfrica and its footprint on the continent represent exciting opportunities for young Africans to contribute to the development of their communities and learn about each other’s countries and cultures.
The “Alphas” – as the cohort wants to be called – took an oath of service to fulfil their duties as CorpsAfrica Volunteers and to live to the highest standards of honour, integrity and dedication.
Kelo Kubu, CorpsAfrica South Africa country director, thanked the Volunteers for raising their hands to be counted among the first Cohort of Volunteers in South Africa.
Mr Isaac Shongwe, Founder and Chairman of Letsema and the Africa Leadership Initiative, spoke about his own journey from humble beginnings in the township and encouraged the Volunteers to use this opportunity to build their careers.
The event was also attended by family and friends of the Volunteers, representatives of United Nations Volunteers, Cyril Ramaposa Foundation, Bridgespan, TEDxJohannesburg, and CorpsAfrica staff from Malawi and Senegal.