School Furniture for Ligba Primary School


Site: Ligba


May 2024

- July 2024

Primary sector

project cost

GH₵ 31,180


People impacted

210 Students Directly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

Concerned with the lack of furniture in classrooms that forced students to study on the floor, the Libga MA Primary School community initiated a project to equip four classrooms with adequate seating and desks, directly benefiting 180 students. To ensure a conducive learning environment and support future generations, the project budget was estimated at 22,860 Ghana cedis, with 25% funded by the community. To address potential challenges like price fluctuations and furniture selection, the community has incorporated budget contingencies and will choose materials based on student age groups.

A committee comprising community members, school staff, and traditional leaders was established to oversee implementation, and to ensure sustainability, the community will use funds from the school’s Parents Teacher Association and Ghana Education Service grants for maintenance. This project utilized HCD and ABCD tools, including community mapping and asset inventory, to make informed decisions and foster community ownership.

Project Highlights

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