• Volunteer Stories

In one short year

“In one short year” was a reflection statement coined by Moses Cofie, the Regional Coordinator during the Close of Service for the 17 Volunteers in August 2024. As Volunteers shared their stories of change in the community, it was indeed one short year in which they had accomplished so much. We have captured some of their voices below.

“In one short year, I am deeply honored to have played a role in the transformative journey of Buwere village of 1800 residents to access clean and safe water. I was able to facilitate community resource mobilization and link members to the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC). This project is more than just an infrastructure improvement. It is a story of resilience, collaboration, and the power of community-driven development.” Saku Geoffrey

“In one short year, I could never have imagined facilitating 12 projects. These include horticulture, bricklaying, shoemaking, bricklaying, establishing and tree nurseries reaching over 200 members in the Bulere community. I attribute this success to the knowledge and skills acquired through the Human-Centered Design approaches and empathy which fostered community participation and ownership.” Mary Nalukwago Kizza

“In one short year, I was part of an emergency relief team with the Red Cross Uganda which supported 65 members from my community in Buleega village to recover after a devastating flood. They delivered aid in the form of food, bedding, buckets, and containers to people. ” Muzamiru Magombe

“In one short year, I have mastered my confidence in community mobilization and public speaking. Through practicing, patience, and learning to listen, I have developed my art which is now my key life skill I am grateful to have learned this from the Kigarama community.” Justine Musiime

“In one short year, I have applied the concepts from university to catalyze Community-Led Development in Kabatema village. I would highly recommend University graduates to participate in CorpsAfrica activities.” Angella Tumusiime

“In one short year, I have learned to speak a different language to serve local communities better. Coming from a different region, it’s been an experience for me to communicate and serve people in the Nakaseta community.” Evans Ogutu Mukisa

“In one short year, I have reached more people and created meaningful relationships in the community. I am proud to have served my community in Nakaseeta and I look forward to applying the lessons I have learned to make a lasting impact in Uganda and the world at large.” Muliisa Pneuma Fuorr

“In one short year, I facilitated Ms Kayaga from Kitabazi village to start a bakery business. She earns income to take her children to school as well as collect her savings in her VSLA. Before that, she didn’t have a means of livelihood, and her children had dropped out of school.  I am happy with my impact and hope to continue serving in many other communities.” Najiwa Babirye

“In one short year, I have seen the birth of the “Ekitabo Kyange” group (my book) a project making counter books for incomes while increasing access to scholastic materials for children in Namatovu village.” Sharon Asiimwe

In one short year, many Volunteers attested to imagining achieving so much impact in local communities. For many if not all, it was the first time they have been in those particular communities. They utilized the knowledge and skills from the preservice and in-service training as well as common experiences to serve. #ThisisCorpsAfrica.


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In one short year