Kaani Water Purification Project


Site: Kaani, Machakos County


September 2023

- October 2023

project cost

KES 470,190


People impacted

885 Directly

4,425 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

The Kaani community was facing a severe shortage of clean and safe drinking water. The existing water sources such as from the rivers and little rainfall available were contaminated, leading to various health issues and diseases including Amoeba, Bilharzia, and H. Pylori among the residents. Recognizing the urgency of a solution, Samuel Njunguna, a CorpsAfrica/Kenya Volunteer, worked with his community to facilitate and take action to implement a water purification project during his one year of service to solve the issues faced in accessing clean water. In collaboration with CorpsAfrica/Kenya, the community was able to implement the water purification project.

Project Highlights

  • Installation of a 500L/H purifier machine was a significant milestone in ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water for the community. The purifier machine is equipped with advanced technology designed to effectively treat and purify water, removing harmful contaminants and impurities.

  • House structure construction to house the purifier machine.

  • A total of 885 households within the community are direct beneficiaries of the clean water provided by the project. Access to clean and safe drinking water is essential for promoting public health and well-being, particularly in areas where waterborne diseases pose significant risks.

  • By providing clean and safe drinking water to community members, the project has significantly reduced the risk of waterborne diseases. Waterborne illnesses such as cholera, and typhoid are prevalent in areas where access to clean water is limited. The availability of purified water has helped safeguard the health of community members, particularly vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly.

  • The project has also had a positive impact on the local economy by creating employment opportunities for 5 community members. These individuals were employed to work on various aspects of the project, including installation, maintenance, and operation of the purifier machine, as well as construction-related tasks. By providing employment opportunities, the project has contributed to improving the livelihoods and economic well-being of community members.

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