ECD Classroom Construction in Vota Village


Site: Vota Village, Machakos County


August 2023

- October 2023

Primary sector

project cost

KES 903,370


People impacted

81 Directly

1,200 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

More than 60% of children aged 3 to 5 in Vota and Kathelembo endure long walks ranging from 3.5 to 5.3 kilometers to reach their nearest schools. This means an average round-trip of 7 kilometers per child. Particularly during the rainy season, many children are unable to attend school due to heavy rains and flooded roads. To address this challenge, Sharon Jelagat, a Volunteer based in Vota, played a pivotal role in facilitating the construction of Early Childhood Development (ECD) classrooms from conception to completion during her one year of service. This initiative has significantly reduced the distance children in Kikawani and Manza villages need to travel to attend school, while also providing a more organized, managed, and nurturing learning environment for them.

Project Highlights

  • The community contributed KES 284,900 in cash and kind for the fully constructed classroom.

  • 40 chairs were delivered and 7 tables hence the children could learn and sit comfortably.

  • The classroom construction reduced the distance from 3 km to 500m for children.

  • Pupil enrollment has increased from 13 in 2023 to 41 in 2024.

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