Mr. Elwin Chiwembu Sichiola who currently works the Executive Director for TEVETA Malawi is a business executive with over 15 years combined experience which he has gained from working in roles ranging from Executive Management, Finance, Internal Audit and Risk Management, and External Audit.
A Fellow of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (FCCA) he also holds an MBA from the University of Derby and a BSc in Accountancy from Oxford Brookes University.
Before assuming his current role, Elwin served TEVETA as a Director of Finance and Head of Internal Audit Services.
Currently, Elwin is leading the Authority in the promotion and facilitation of skills development in Malawi through rebranding the image of TEVET and skilled people in Malawi, increasing access to TEVET with a special focus on girls and vulnerable youth while also enhancing the quality of TEVET by amongst other things strengthening the alignment of TEVET Curricula with labor market demands.
A well-known conference speaker, Elwin has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Habitat Humanity Malawi for 8 years until July 2023 and still serves on the National Board of Corps Africa an International NGO that operates in Malawi, Senegal, Rwanda, and Morocco, amongst other countries and World Connect an international NGO also working Malawi amongst other African countries.