CorpsAfrica Red

CorpsAfrica Red promotes health awareness and practices in communities in Africa and beyond. Through their dedication and service, CorpsAfrica Volunteers play a vital role in promoting health awareness in communities in Africa and beyond. The no-cost initiative centers on health-related training, so that Volunteers can learn to recognize and informatively approach issues such as maternal and child mortality, malnutrition, spread of infectious disease, and family planning in their CorpsAfrica sites. By living and serving in rural communities, Volunteers will serve as a resource to the larger public health community; they will liaise with Development Partners to test out health-related interventions (such as sexual education curricula or nutrition programs) and report critical information on how local communities are affected by and dealing with public health issues.

CorpsAfrica Red Projects 

CorpsAfrica Volunteers have facilitated several initiatives about reproductive health (for example by training thousands of young girls from different rural communities on menstrual hygiene and the making of reusable sanitary napkins to enable girls to be more fulfilled at school), by facilitating access to primary health care in remote areas, and so much more. CorpsAfrica recognizes that access to basic healthcare and community well-being are fundamental for building community development and ensuring a decent life.

Reusable Sanitary Towel Making & Menstrual Management Training

CorpsAfrica/Senegal Volunteer Bandagne Fall facilitated the partnership between her community and the UNFPA regional office to provide 100 young girls training on sexual reproduction including a workshop on reusable napkins and intergenerational dialogue to break the taboos about sexual reproduction.

Chiwondwe Under-5 Clinic

CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Dorothy Mapira conducted a needs assessment and found that there was no access to close, quality healthcare.

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CorpsAfrica addresses two of Africa’s most difficult challenges: creating opportunities for youth and helping rural communities overcome extreme poverty and build resilience. We recruit motivated volunteers to live and work in remote, low-income areas in their own countries. They collaborate with the community to design and implement small-scale projects that address their top priorities and by doing so gain the skills and experience that lay the foundation for personal and professional success.

CorpsAfrica trusts youth and rural communities to help each other.