• Volunteer Stories

Integration with My Community in Dzaleka Camp of Refugees

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Mr. Mouhiddine Hamma

As a part of my integration, I met Mike and Phelly from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the Dzaleka refugee camp. I introduced myself and what CorpsAfrica is all about. We discussed how the Dzaleka communities can take part in developing themselves through the acquisition of knowledge. Mike and Phelly introduced me to their organization that also works in the Dzaleka camp called Apoyando El Futuro (APO-FU), meaning “Support the Future.” APO-FU also has two volunteers, one from Brazil named Clarista and the other from Costa Rica named Javier.

APO-FU is a non-profit organization that does development projects in rural communities. Their areas of focus include education, nutrition and entrepreneurship. These projects are carried out in schools around the community where they try to create a friendly environment so children can develop different skills. APO-FU focuses on the importance of education by encouraging children to go to school, improving infrastructure, transferring knowledge on the importance of nutrition and healthy lifestyles, and overall building capacity of communities.

Currently, I am helping APO-FU with an infrastructure project to build a school. Javier and Clarista showed me the land that was bought to be used for building the school and volunteers from the refugee camp have started to clear the land. When the land is cleared the building will be built, as well as the construction of a vegetable garden that will feed the students.

Javier, Clarista, and I had another meeting with the chief of the area last week. At this meeting we discussed the importance of the school project for this village. We also talked about how we can improve education and nutrition for students in surrounding nearby villages.

I am enjoying working with this organization because they have a noble cause!


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