Construction of Chewere Primary School Administration Room


Site: Majaliro, Manyanya Village


May 2023

- August 2023

Primary sector

project cost

Mk 3,704,300


People impacted

7 Directly

237 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

The project aimed at constructing an administration office at Chewere Primary School. Previously, the school had no conducive space for official meetings, and teachers needed more space to prepare for lessons. In addition, there was no room for storing school property like records, teaching and learning materials, and other utilities. Before the construction of the office, the materials were kept in peoples’ homes near the school.

Project Highlights

  • The constructed structure has three rooms: one as a head teacher’s office, a staffroom, and a storeroom.

  • The staffroom will also be used as a meeting space for different committees that are collaboratively working to develop this school and the community at large.

  • The structure provides a conducive administrative space to the staff and easy access to the teaching and learning materials since they are safely kept at the school.

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