


  • Ghana_ALL
  • Ghana_G2-2023-2024
Theophilus is a graduate of the University for Development Studies, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Social Science with a major in Economics. His academic journey has been driven by a strong interest in public policy and a deep-seated passion for improving the lives of the less privileged in society. Through his educational pursuits and active participation in outreach programs, Theophilus has developed a profound understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized individuals and communities, motivating him to be a dedicated advocate for their rights and well-being. Theophilus’ journey of impact started during his time at the Kasena Nankana Municipal Assembly, where he completed his national service. He was actively involved in various projects, including contributions to the LEAP Program, aimed at uplifting vulnerable members of the community. Following his service, he transitioned to a role at the Navrongo Rural Technology Facility, gaining valuable experience in a brief yet impactful tenure. His commitment to making a positive change led him to Youth Challenge International, a non-profit organization supported by Global Affairs Canada. Here, Theophilus played a pivotal role in the HerStart project, focusing on empowering young women to establish socially and environmentally sustainable businesses. He was instrumental in recruiting and training 215 young women, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to initiate their entrepreneurial journeys. Theophilus also provided crucial support to some of these aspiring entrepreneurs in securing seed funding totaling CAD 3000 to kickstart their businesses. His dedication and hands-on involvement have made a lasting impact on the lives of many and continue to drive his mission for positive change in his community.