


  • Rwanda_ALL
  • Rwanda_G5-2023-2024
Dieudonne Ingabire holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Rwanda in the College of Agriculture, Animal Science, and Veterinary Medicine. He was born and raised in Rwanda. Before joining CorpsAfrica, he worked as an Enumerator at Innovation for Poverty Action, where he participated in various surveys. These surveys included the School Operations survey for the Rwanda Education Quality Improvement Program (Rwanda Equip) baseline survey, the Root Capital project in the Huye (Maraba) Sector, and the Gakenke Musasa Coffee Station Farmers Cooperatives project. He also worked at Feed the Future Orora Wihaze, contributing to various surveys and demonstrating proficiency in using the impact system utilized by USAID. He was additionally a part of the Data collection team for the Land Husbandry, Water Harvesting, and Hillside Irrigation project in Rulindo and Gicumbi Districts under the World Bank Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) and Innovation for Poverty Action (IPA). Dieudonne has also been employed by Catholic Relief Services and Land O’Lakes Venture37, working as an Animal Husbandry and Nutrition Assistant Intern under the Orora Wihaze Project in Burera District. Dieudonne has undergone diverse training programs, including Field Research by the World Bank Development Impact Evaluation (DIME), Work Ready Now by USAID Huguka Dukore Akazi Kanoze, Young Citizen Training Program from Friedrich Eibert Stiftung (FES Rwanda), and Animal Husbandry Best Practices by Land O’Lakes Venture37 and Catholic Relief Service. He believes that being a part of CorpsAfrica is an opportunity for him to give back to the community by effecting small changes that will have a significant impact on rural communities. He is particularly passionate about smart agriculture and environmental management for sustainable development.